Just a tiny trip or a mini vacation.
I start the trip with to put my Sea Dweller on.
We go down a bit in Sweden, first stop at a old building.
A nice day in Sweden, people eat outside in the sun.
Then we come down at the south of Sweden and here we will spend a few days.
Itīs a great little village.
My friends garden.
Then we start with some great food and a little alcohol.
After that a cigar (not me).
It says: If smoke didnīt kill you, Al Qaida do. LOL
Something at the evening too.
Next day we take a trip nearly so south you can come in Sweden.
The town is Simrishamn.
We visit a nice old church.
Then we go for a little roundtrip.
Nice colors at the small houses.
Then we visit the harbour.
There was some swans too.
After that we need some coffee.
No we are going to a interesting place.
It is a real long way to go.
The cows are going there too.
I donīt try to pee on that one. LOL
Soon we are there.
I said soon.
This stones are placed so you can use then as a calendar with
some help from the sun.
Here is a link in english who tells a little about the stones.
This guy have som fun.
Then I stop by at Mikael J, a swedish watch dealer on the way to Denmark.
His freaking dog was running around at the backyard and the son in the house
cool him down with some water. Then the dog was trying to visit my knee, so it
looks like I have done some mud wrestling when I leave him. LOL
Last exit from Sweden.
Denmark here we come for a few days vacation without some plans.
Itīs really nice to do it like this, no stress and we have to see where it ends.
So we decide to go to Germany and the first stop was in a little village named Eutin.
There we find a little nice place to spend the night in.
The view from our room.
Itīs a nice little place.
So we have to get out and see what is going on here.
I just love a village like this.
This guy look at me a his eyes tells me please give me some pommes frites.
After he have jump ten times I give him some. LOL
Maybe we was out a little late, not much people here at the evenings.
Next day we driv east at Rostock.
There we find some nice things too. LOL
After that we going to a little town named Stralsund.
We found a nice little pensionat even here.
Not big but nice.
I hate German television, they donīt have any text. Jay Leno speak german. LOL
Lucky me Iīm not here for the TV.
A view from the room.
The watch at the market place.
No quartz here. LOL
Mmm, I just love it.
So we take a stroll.
A old fine german town.
A great building, made at the time still when the wall was there.
They still rebuild houses at many places.
And they still drive Trabant. LOL
The we have to visit the Meeresmuseum.
The first thing I run into was the divers.
2 watches, I have to check them out.
Damn, there is a window between us. LOL
I want both of them.
So I have to get in and look at the animals.
What is this? JFKīs brain maybe? LOL
This was a few years before icehockey. LOL
More interesting animals.
This guy is big.
This guy is bigger. LOL
This is what we have going at the streets in Sweden, some believe. LOL
Here we have a few dials. LOL
This landscape is like the real thing.
I love this one.
Then I went to the aquarium, but there is so dark. Not camerafriendly.
So after that we went ouside and try to find some coffee.
And a cookie of course.
Then we go back to Rostock and point the car at Denmark again.
There are many ways to explore Europe. LOL
Iīm just bored when I wait for the ferry, so I play with the camera.
When we come to Denmark we stop by in a village named Köge.
And we find a hotel at the harbour.
Not big rooms.
But a real danish mini bar. LOL
So we take a stroll here too.
Here is a lot of fishermans.
The fisherman made his point.
He donīt like the europeean union. LOL
Then I finish the trip with a effect pic.
I hope you find this little report interesting, I really enjoy the trip.